Why ask such a question. Most members are afraid to go out into the field or do outreach for fear of rejection. John 15:18-22 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you...
I'm going to stop right here. If we are chosen by God to go and tell the good news, honestly answer the question. Do you believe that everyone is going to accept it? Then why is it that we let our feelings get the best of us if our friends, coworker shut the doors on us, and we just give up and close the door to witnessing. After much debating and speaking with members it comes down to one thing. "SELF" When we sometimes go witnessing we go with our agenda not Gods.
I've learn when we don't have a daily devotion with God, I mean getting up as Jesus did and talking with your heavenly Father and laying our plans at His feet and picking up His plans for us, we fail. We must be filled with His Holy Spirit moment by moment leaning on the everlasting arms for wisdom when we need to reach hearts.
I was once ask by a member during training where can you find in the bible where Jesus knock on a door and was rejected. At that time I recall the story of the rich ruler, he came to Jesus and they began talking and as they were talking they got to the commandments and Jesus got right to the point. He said sell all you have and follow me. The bible made it very clear that it was a sad day not only for the rich ruler but for Christ Himself, His appeal to the heart was rejected.
You see even though Jesus was the Son of God, He went to the core of the rich rulers heart and knock on the door. I choose that story even though there are countless stories of others rejecting Christ. But I choose this example to tell you, don't be fearful of the rejection you will receive, but know that you are His.
Jesus promises in Matt 28:20 - I am with YOU. Praise God! we have that blessed assurance and promise. We have nothing to fear if Jesus is leading us and His angels are watching over us and if we listen to that small still voice that guides our every step. We will find ourselves becoming a Witnessing Church.
If you have any questions or want to make a comment please jot me a line and to help support our non-profit ministry, purchase a copy of my book from Amazon.com here you will find more resources for witnessing or visit our website at www.witnessingchurch.com .