According to some studies, 75-90% of people have joined the church because of friends or relatives. This indicates that friends, families and neighbors is still valid. For example Matthew. As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth.‘Follow me,’ Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.
While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him (Mark 2:14,15).
You will find also in Welfare Ministry, p.60 - “This was the way the Christian church was established. Christ first selected a few persons and bade them follow Him. They then went in search of their relatives and acquaintances, and brought them to Christ. This is the way we are to labor. A few souls brought out and fully es- tablished on the truth will, like the first disciples, be laborers for others”
Although this list is not exhaustive, I pray that this list will stimulate you to want to go out and reach your friends, family members, co-workers even strangers for Christ. If I can be of any assistance or you would like to share some insights on what is working in your area of the world, please let me know.
1. List visitor families from Vacation Bible School records.
2. Conduct an inside census.
3. Locate newcomers by calling all new listings in phone directory.
4. Update a former community survey.
5. Ask youth to survey blocks in which they live.
6. Subscribe to newcomer service for information on prospects.
7. Locate homebound by publishing lists and asking for update.
8. Use telephone directory to survey and entire telephone exchange.
9. Subscribe to local Legal News for information on new homeowners.
10. Canvass university dormitories for souls.
11. Survey apartments adjacent to campus for student prospects.
12. Check college admissions office for church preferences of students.
13. Confer with student housing office for names of students.
14. Check with workers at day care centers near colleges.
15. Confer with workers providing nurseries near colleges.
16. Confer with workers at college infirmaries.
17. Confer with workers at kindergartens provided near colleges.
18. Request information on prospects of mobile home park managers.
19. Request religious affiliation of students from college registrars.
20. Call college placement offices for newly employed.
21. Enlist the help of school guidance counselors.
22. Ask shift workers to identify colleagues who are prospects.
23. Gather information on those who work in hospitals.
24. Survey membership for those who are hotel and motel employees.
25. List church members who left the church.
26. Ask members to provide names of colleagues with whom they work.
27. Contact international clubs for information on foreign students.
28. Talk to labor unions for information on migrant workers.
29. Confer with military base chaplains for families.
30. Inquire of seamen’s service for information on internationals.
31. Secure cooperation of associational office on any prospects.
32. Use the door-to-door survey to locate people.
33. Request business people to identify associates who are interested.
34. Request church members to identify neighbors that don’t go to church.
35. Identify unenrolled parents of children enrolled in Sabbath School.
36. Find parents from day care centers enrolments.
37. Identify parents of children enrolled in church day schools.
38. Identify parents of children enrolled in church kindergarten.
39. Request mail response from radio audience.
40. Contact moving companies for newcomers.
“Present the gospel in its simplicity. Follow Christ’s example, and you will have the reward of seeing your students won to Him.”—Counsels to Teachers, p. 255
“Thousands of hearts can be reached in the most simple way. The most intellectual, those who are looked upon and praised as the world’s great and gifted men and women, are often refreshed by the most humble, simple words spoken by one who loves God, who can speak of that love as naturally as worldlings can speak of those things which their minds contemplate and feed upon. Words, even if well prepared and studied, have little influence, but the true, honest work of a son or a daughter of God in words, or in a service of little things, done in natural simplicity, will unbolt the door, which has long been locked, to many souls.”—Evangelism, p. 443
“Even the great men are more easily drawn by the simplicity of the gospel than by any effort made in human power.”—Evangelism, p. 443
“What you need is a living experience in the things of God and simplicity in presenting the love of Christ to the lost.”—Sons and Daughters of God, p. 266
If you have any questions or want to make a comment please jot me a line and to help support our non-profit ministry, purchase a copy of my book from Amazon.com here you will find more resources for witnessing or visit our website at www.witnessingchurch.com .
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