How do you deal with obstacles, objections, interruptions, distractions, and questions when giving Bible studies?
I. Interruptions & Distractions
A. If the TV is on:
1. It is best to get the TV turned off, because even the picture without the sound is distracting
- Some people never turn off the TV during the day.
- They will have grown so accustomed to its noise, that they will not even think of turning it off unless prompted to do so
2. Some tactful ways to get the TV turned off are:
a. “Were you watching your favorite program?”
b. “Could we turn off the TV for just a few minutes?”
3. If the kids are watching TV:
a. “Could we go to another room for the study so as not to disturb the kids?”
B. If the radio or tape player is on loud:
1. Talk quietly so that your prospect will have to strain to hear you.
- Often this is the best prompt to get someone to turn down or turn off loud or undesirable music.
C. If the baby cries or children are being a distraction:
1. Here is an excellent opportunity for the visitation team to make full use of their group.
a. Once a friendship has been established with the family, one of the team members can offer to take the rock the baby, or to entertain the kids in another room.
b. If young children are present, an aggressive team will anticipate their visit, and take some books or other material to occupy the children while the team leader conducts the Bible study.
2. Suggest a time to study when the children are in bed or at school.
D. Other distractions:
1. If the housewife is cooking or in the kitchen upon arrival, inquire if something in the kitchen needs attention before beginning.
2. If it is near mealtime or if relatives have arrived, try to discover how much time your prospect has.
a. This will determine the length of your visit, and whether or not it is an appropriate time for a Bible study.
3. In a decision visit, if one person in the home desires to hear the gospel and another is evidently not interested, one of the team can help by asking the uninterested one to show them the yard, of is they could visit in another room.
a. In the case of a Bible study, however, every effort should be made to include the entire family in the study.
4. Whatever the occasion, the team members should be alert for every opportunity to make it possible for the leader to proceed with the presentation without interruption.
E. Most of all, Be patient! You are in their home, taking their time
1. Demonstrate by your actions and words, Christian patience, kindness, and tact
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